Fly Fishing Report 2/20/2024
Welcome to my fly fishing report for the end of February. I’ve been a little behind on getting out a full detailed report so we have been doing our “On the Water Reports” live on the river to keep everyone updated. To get weekly updates on conditions, fly recommendations, and weather updates follow us on Instagram. Fly Fishing on the Owens has been productive all month from the Lower to the Upper Owens, it’s been a blast! We are currently receiving a solid storm system moving through the Eastern Sierra which should bring us close to our average and needed snowpack for the season. Hopefully we end up with a little more than average snowpack which will then carry us into a wonderful warm season.
We have booked all of our spots for our 2024 Spring Fly Fishing Clinic this year and can’t wait to meet our new group of anglers! If you would like to get on the waitlist for our 2 day clinic, please email us. Waitlist priority will be in the order is it received. We host two clinics a year on each shoulder season, we will announce our fall clinic dates soon.
Lastly we still have some available positions for our 2024 Golden Trout Trip (July 28th-August 3rd). This all inclusive week long trip is going to be an amazing backcountry experience and fully catered to each individual. You must be able to hike everyday and prepared to cover some ground, our pack team will be with us the entire time running camp, but we are on foot. If you are looking for a true adventure and some of the rarest fish on the planet this is your trip.
Thanks again for stopping by to read this report and subscribing to our newsletter. Spring is already giving us glimpses on the Eastern Sierra with more bug life and longer days, we are excited for wet wading, dry fly days, and casting into the warm evenings. Reach out to line up a guided trip and plan for something excellent this summer!
-Luke Kinney, Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide.
The Hunt for Gold…..
Join us for this years week long Golden Trout Excursion (July 28th-August 3rd)
Book Now
2024 Spring Fly Fishing Clinic (Sold Out)
We are excited for this years Spring Fly Fishing Clinic! We will post our fall clinic dates shortly, standby.
Email to get on the waitlist
Golden Trout Guiding Co LLC.
Luke Kinney is an Orvis Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide on the Eastern Sierra since 2021.
To view my orvis page and trip reviews click here.
Beyond The River
Golden Trout Guiding Co. is partnered with Sacred Rok, an Indigenous led non-profit group dedicated to serving our local youth. We believe the outdoors should be shared and accessible to all walks of life and all income levels.
To learn more or donate CLICK HERE
Fly Fishing Report
Winter Fly Fishing is in Full Swing! We love seeing those big tails and big fights this time of year on the Upper Owens.
Lower Owens- The Lower Owens River is flowing at 126 CFS. When flows get below 150 CFS the entire river becomes accessible and now is the time to venture into areas that are typically impossible to reach. We have been having fun exploring new zones and water on the Lower Owens as it would take a life time to fish every bend and stretch. Some amazing fish being caught this season from 8-20 inches you. just never know what you might hook into! Plenty of wild brown trout in the fun sized range from 10-14 inches taking a well presented Nymph or Dry Fly. This last week I have seen some incredible mid day hatches of primarily small caddis flies mixed in with a few Blue Wing Olive mayflies creating a feeding frenzy for the trout. Always a treat to be casting dry flies in late February, well take it. The hatch has been popping off from 11am-2pm, carrying two rods is recommended, one for dries and one for nymphs. Look towards the shallow pocket water where trout can easily hold position and target adult insects while they float downstream. We have caught some of our best fish in less the two feet of water this year. If working upstream in the water, as you generally have to do on the Lower Owens, make sure you move slow and cast ahead of you before blowing up the area. There is a good chance a fish is hanging out right in front of your position and ready for a well places fly. Your standard 9ft 3-5 weight rod is going to get the job done on the Lower Owens, Euro Nymphing is also producing, indicator nymphing, and streamer fishing. I like getting back to the bigger pools that are impossible to reach with higher flows and swinging some bigger crayfish flies or streamers looking for trophy trout and the occasional carp! Recommended flies for the Lower Owens as of now starting with nymphs, Duracell (Size 16-18), Bead Head Hare’s Ears (Size 16-18), Frenchie (Size 16-18), Olive or Blue Perdigon (Size 16-18), Flashback Pheasant Tail (Size 14-18), Mini Prince Nymph (Size 16-18). For your dry flies we recommend Elk Hair Caddis (Size 16-18), Blue Wing Olive (Size 16-18) Parachute Adams (Size 16-18). And lastly for those bigger baitfish patterns we recommend Mini Jig Leech, Black or Olive (Size 12-14), Wolly Bugger, Black or Olive (Size 8-12), Mini Sculpin in Black, Grey or Olive (Size 10). Now is the time to make a trip to Bishop and fish the Lower Owens river, this is our backyard home water and we know it well. Reach out to line up a guided trip for you or a small group and let us show you some of the better sections of this river! Have fun and good luck out there.
Book The Lower Owens
Brad and Jacob Womble doubled up on the Lower Owens! These guys had a banner day netting over 30 fish. Once the caddis hatch started up the bite was non-stop.
Angler Scott Chevalier with a beautiful 18.5 inch wild brown trout caught while Euro Nymphing the Lower Owens. The colors are just stunning.
Angler Tim Ursich had a productive day on the Lower Owens. We love wild brown trout, so much energy and so much fun to play on light tackle. This unsuspecting brown took a size 18 Duracell Nymph.
Depending on where you fish on the Lower Owens a wading staff is highly recommended. Being able to navigate the river bed safely will put you in position for some epic fly fishing. I like to use old ski poles and attach them to our waist belts with a carabiner. Cheap and effective!
Central Gorge- The Central Gorge has been pretty good the last few weeks. Due to the Lower Owens being in primo shape I have not been getting down into the canyon section as often to fish or guide. Flows are low and clear in the central gorge right now making it important to use thinner presentation approaching the river slowly and methodically. I find myself either Euro Nymphing or fishing small dry flies this time of year in the canyon section, with 5-6X tippit. The beautiful part of the central gorge is the lack of people, depending on where you approach the river chances of seeing other anglers is slim to none. Look for those deeper pools and slots between boulders for trout, as the water is cold coming in around 44 degrees. The best time to fish the Central Gorge is when the sun is at its highest point from 10am-2pm. The warmth gets those wild browns and rainbows actively feeding on nymphs and midges. Even if you don’t see to many risers down there a well presented dry fly will get a fish to come up to the surface. I think this mostly has to do with how many fish are down there, and the lack of angling pressure making them more then willing to go the distance. There are various entrance points heading into the canyon section and with a little research and attitude for adventure you will find yourself in some epic zones. Use caution while navigating the gorge, it can be a steep and loose approach. Remember is you hike in you got to hike back out haha! Some recommended flies for the Central Gorge as of now, Black or Olive Zebra Midge (Size 16-18), Rainbow Warrior (Size 16-18), Small Baetis Nymph (Size 18-20), Duracell (Size 16-18), Copper John (Size 16-20). As far as dry flies we recommend Elk Hair Caddis (Size 16-18) Olive Foam Caddis (Size 16-18) Purple Haze (Size 16-18) Parachute Adams (Size 16-18) Sierra Bright Dot (Size 16-18) Black Ant (Size 16-18). For those seeking isolation and some unique fly fishing opportunities we recommend the central gorge and would love to guide you. Let us help you navigate the canyon and get into some amazing fly fishing!
Book the Central Gorge
Euro Nymphing some technical pocket water in the Central Gorge.
Dry Flies in february! This wild brown took a size 20 BWO. Couldn’t see the fly but I could see the fish.
Upper Owens River- The Upper Owens is flowing at 106 CFS above the Hot Creek Confluence and 126 CFS below. Flows are up making it a little harder to reach those fish as of now so adding weight and getting down deep is key! We have had some decent storms over the last few weeks creating mud and snow on the dirt road heading up towards the private water. Be cautious driving too far up river as getting stuck is likely even with a 4X4 vehicle. We are still seeing trophy trout in the system but not in the typical numbers we have seen in the past. We are averaging around 3-4 hook ups during the day on the bigger fish, obviously some days are better/worse then others. That being said make sure your prepared when you do get your shot at a bigger fish, I like using heavier tippit like 3X or 6lb fluorocarbon. Get those flies deep when fishing under the indicator, adjusting depth between each target zone. I’m running a two fly setup under the bobber with split shot added to make sure I am getting into the strike zone, if your catching the bottom your where you should be! Euro Nymphing the cut banks and faster moving pools have been producing some nice fish. On my own personal time I’ve been primarily fishing streamers and getting solid strikes on the retrieve. I like keeping my retrive rate consistent with short but quick strips. Nothing better then a big rainbow smashing a streamer on the retrieve! Water is temping at 44 degrees and has stayed there most of this winter which is perfect for active feeding. Although we have had some pretty cold days, temperatures have been pleasant most of the time making fly fishing on the Upper Owens quite enjoyable, especially mid day. The bite seems to be best from 9-1pm and covering water is your best shot at linking up with a nice fish. All of the popular holes get fished multiple times a day by guides and anglers that know the spots so be creative and try some new water, we’ve been catching fish all over the system. I’m not seeing too much active spawning in the shallows, that being said if you come across fish on their beds leave them be. Usually these fish are in a foot or two of water and generally paired up with another fish. Please resist the urge to cast to them and leave them be. Stick to the larger holes and cutbanks where active spawning isn’t occurring. Also as we move into spring proper try to keep your footprint minimal by sticking to one side of the stream as much as possible eliminating the chance of crossing through a Redd (Spawning Bed). These are all good things to keep in mind and will ultimately have a positive impact on the future of the river. The bigger trout have been loving baitfish patterns, Black or Olive Jig Leech, Sloppy Seconds (Minnow Pattern), and Smaller Wolly Buggers (Size 10-14). As far as streamers your classic Wolly Bugger (Size 8-12), or Sculpzilla are both great places to start. Your more typical nymphs are getting the job done as well just make sure you have a 2X strong hook for peace of mind if you are fighting a bigger fish in the faster current. Recommended nymphs like Large Prince Nymph (Size 12), Bead Head Hares Hears (Size 16-20), Perdigon (Size 16-18) are all great choices. Most importantly outside of fly selection getting those flies placed in front of those fish is crucial. People tend to miss fish primarily due to the fact their fly presentation in the water column is off. We have about one more month of snowbow fishing and then our trophy Cutthroat Trout run will slowly start amping up usually peaking in May. Reach out to line up a guided trip for the Upper Owens and let us help you get into the fish of a lifetime! Tight lines and good luck out there.
Book the Upper Owens
Angler Jacob Womble put in a hard full day of covering water and came out successful with the beautiful mature male.
Angler Jeff from Idaho came to visit california and see what the Snow Bow scene is all about!
My good friend Eric Brooks came down from Reno to fish the Upper Owens for a few days and got right into the action!
A beautiful trophy rainbow caught on a small Jig Bugger.
Thanks for stopping by for my Fly Fishing Report for the Owens River! It has been a very accessible and pleasant winter so far on the Eastern Sierra, especially compared to last season. Crossing our fingers that we meet our expected snow pack levels for us to have a healthy and productive warm season. Plenty of water to fish right now, let’s make sure we help each other out on and off the water. We are all a community of anglers so share the goods. Wishing everyone bent rods and big smiles heading into March. Opening day for general trout season is fast approaching (April 27th) we are psyched.
-Luke Kinney, Owner and Guide.